First Kathy Hochul passed a law to register ammo sales in New York (which NYSFA sued her over) and now she wants to limit New Yorkers to 20-rounds of ammo every four months!
Hochul’s allies in Albany have filed S-929/A-1355 which would put innocent New Yorkers in prison for the ‘crime’ of buying too many rounds of ammo per month! This is tyrannical! It flies in the face of the Second Amendment and the Bruen decision!
Kathy Hochul is demented.
This legislation would make ‘criminals’ out of law-abiding gun owners, while doing nothing to stop actual criminals who are murdering, raping, and robbing their way across the state.
But this is an election year, and we may still be able to defeat this terrible bill!
Help us do that by sending this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Assemblyman insisting that they ‘VOTE NO’ on this or any other bill that dares to limit how many rounds of ammo we can buy! When you’re done, join the NYSFA!