📢📢 Alert: Massive Gun Control Bill Filed in Albany!

If you thought that Kathy Hochul would stop trying to advance gun control as we’ve sued her in Federal Court over last year’s gun control law, I’ve got some very bad news for you.

Kathy Hochul and her allies in Albany have filed the worst gun control bill that I’ve ever seen! It’s nothing less than an OPEN DECLARTION OF WAR ON GUN OWNERS LIKE YOU AND ME!

It’s far worse than the SAFE ACT of 2013!

It’s worse than 2022’s omnibus gun control law.

And it’s worse than last year’s ammo registration law.     

It’s essential that you immediately sign the petitions that we have prepared for you, so that the politicians in Albany know that gun owners are 100% opposed to AB-3855/SB-5763 and that we’ll hold them accountable if they vote for it!

More on that in a moment. First, I want to make sure you have the full picture on the three camps here in Albany today.

First, we have the KrAzY HoChUl Radical Leftists. This caucus is growing. These people are full of pure hate for gun owners and the Second Amendment. They are willing to pass anything, regardless of the Constitution or the Bruen decision.

They know we’ll sue. And they know we have a good chance of winning. But they know it will take years. And they don’t care.

Then there is the Republican conference. Of course, we have several in this conference who are willing to support gun control. But most will vote the right way out of party loyalty.

And that brings us to the rest of the Democratic conference. Most will always vote for gun control. But this is an election year. And a growing number of them are concerned that voting for the bill below may cost them their job!

That means that we may be able to crush this legislation if gun owners across the state take action now.

That’s why I hope you’ll immediately sign the emergency petition that our team has prepared for you opposing AB-3855/SB-5763.

We’ve told you about mental health exams for gun owners, drug tests for gun owners, insurance requirements for gun owners, and more. AB-3855/SB-5763 is all of that and more!

Heck this bill is the kind of tyranny that would make Communist China, Venezuela, or any other dictator smile.

It’s designed to do one thing: destroy the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers once and for all, disarming all of us!

It does that by adding a massive list of requirements before you would be ‘allowed’ to buy a rifle or shotgun. Some of these details include:

  • Requiring gun owners to provide notarized proof that you’ve passed a state-administered mental health exam before you can buy any rifle or shotgun!This is the very definition of tyranny. And you can bet that anyone who admits to being a Christian, voting for President Trump, or being proud to be an American will fail this test.
  • Requiring gun owners to provide notarized proof that you’ve passed a state-administered drug test before you can buy a rifle or shotgun!

    This is blatantly unconstitutional. And anyone who says, ‘Well, I don’t want drunk people owning a rifle’ is missing the fact that this is just one more way to disarm us.
  • Requiring gun owners to submit to a five-hour safety course every time you want to buy a shotgun or rifle, including a live fire shooting test where you need to score at least 90% to be able to possess the gun!

    In other words, you shouldn’t be able to stop a home invader or your wife/daughter shouldn’t be able to stop a would-be rapist unless you can shoot as good as a police officer.
  • Requiring gun owners to provide a receipt, documenting the safe that you’ll store the rifle or shotgun in should you be allowed to purchase it.

    You see, if you’ve been able to jump through all of the hoops listed above and actually bought a long gun, the statists in Albany want to make sure that you could never access it in time to defend yourself against a criminal.  

These stipulations won’t stop a single criminal from robbing, raping, or murdering his way across New York State. Criminals will ignore all of these, like they’ve ignored New York’s existing gun control laws.

But as I said above, that’s not what this legislation was designed to do. 

Many gun rights organizations are afraid to talk about this. But the truth is that our gun rights have nothing to do with hunting. And it’s not even about stopping criminals.

The real reason for the Second Amendment — the reason why our Founding Fathers codified this God-given right into our Constitution — is as the final check on overt tyranny!  

Kathy Hochul understands this.

So does Biden and the Leftists in Congress.

Before they can rule over our state and our nation, they need to deal with 100 million citizens who own 400 million guns.

That’s what legislation like AB-3855/SB-5763 is all about. Setting up the process to subjugate proud gun owners in America and ultimately disarm every single one of us.

But as I mentioned earlier, the Radical Left Democrats in Albany have a real problem on their hands as Joe Biden is rapidly becoming a millstone around their necks.

His poll numbers get worse by the day.

His son is proving to be a nightmare for the DNC.

And Democrat strategists are openly calling for a new candidate to represent their party in the November elections!

New York Democrats in swing districts feel this too. And they are scared that Biden’s implosion —  plus voting for this bill — may lead to their crushing defeat this fall!    

That’s why I think that we can defeat this terrible legislation if enough gun owners stand with us and flood the legislature with calls, emails, and petitions opposing it!

So please, take a moment and sign your petition now!

NYSFA is preparing a massive program to make this happen, using a combination of tools to engage hundreds of thousands of gun owners across the state. This program will include:

  1. Ads and updates on our digital and social media platforms so gun owners can get this information (and be able to share it with other gun owners) FAST!
  2. Real-time updates on this bill to tens of thousands of gun owners through our email program, allowing them to contact their legislators in Albany automatically!
  3. A massive direct mail program to hundreds of thousands of gun owners, ensuring that our petitions pour into Albany!

This is just the start. If needed, NYSFA will also be ramping up radio and cable TV ads in swing seats, to ensure that politicians in these swing districts are feeling the heat!

This is what makes the NYS Firearms Association different from every other organization in Albany. We don’t just wring our hands and complain while our freedoms are under attack; we confront the politicians that are doing it head-on!

Of course, the program that I laid out above is only going to be possible with support from NYSFA members like you.

And that’s why I hope you’ll also make a generous donation of $100 after you sign your petition.

I know it’s a lot. But we’re facing an unprecedented threat, and we need to know how much ammo we can expend in this fight.

If $100 is just not possible, please consider $75 or at least $25 so we can push back against A-3855/S-5763.

It’s been a rough time for gun owners in New York State. We’re fighting in Federal Court. We’ll be fighting at the ballot box soon. But right now, we need to keep fighting in Albany!

Help us hold the line. Please sign your petition and make whatever donation you can right away!

For New York State,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
NYS Firearms Association

P.S. Kathy Hochul’s hand-picked allies in Albany have filed the biggest gun control that we’ve ever seen. If passed, A-3855/S-5763 would make it all but impossible for ANYONE other than criminals to own firearms in New York State.

Through a combination of mental health tests, drug tests, and ridiculous live-fire training exercises, this bill will disarm gun owners and leave us defenseless!

But this bill is so bad that even some of the Democrats in Albany are getting concerned that the blowback may hurt their re-election chances this fall. That means that we may be able to stop this bill, if we take action.

So please sign your petition against this legislation. After that, please consider a donation of $100, $75, $50, or at least $25 so we can mobilize hundreds of thousands of gun owners to stand up against this bill!