Video: Connecticut Shows the End Result of Gun Registration!

Video: Connecticut Shows the End Result of Gun Registration!

(This email deals with ‘Universal Background Checks’ in Congress, which is already law here in New York State. But our Republican delegation in Congress may make or break this legislation. So read the email below and then take action!) For years, elements of the gun...
Personal: From Aaron Dorr

Personal: From Aaron Dorr

Once my wife and I get our kids to bed on Sunday evenings, I usually sit down and work on my ‘to-do’ list for the week ahead. With our ongoing fight to stop Biden’s AR-15 ban, our federal lawsuits against Biden, and working on refining legislation for next session, I...
BREAKING: Vote Happening This Morning on Pistol Brace!

BREAKING: Vote Happening This Morning on Pistol Brace!

There is going to be a major vote on Capitol Hill today in the Senate regarding pistol braces. Please read the email below from our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association, for the very latest. When you’re done, please call Senators Schumer and...
Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

Top Three Threats We Are Facing in Congress…

The last few weeks have been intense. Our Tyrant-in-Chief is demanding that we agree to surrender the firearms that have kept America free for generations. And his allies in Congress are sponsoring new gun control bills daily. There is a lot of noise, and it can be...
Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

Dangerous: Gov. Newsom Reveals Plans for 28th Amendment!

If there is one good thing that has come out of the Radical Left’s war against our gun rights over the last five years, it’s that the gloves are all the way off. Whether it’s Biden or tyrants in our own state capitol, everyone now knows that their goal is to...