Something is wrong

Something is wrong

On Monday night last week, the federal government was begging the public to help them find an F35 fighter jet that they lost somewhere on the coast of South Carolina. The following morning, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were standing at a press conference lecturing...
Want to Testify with Me in Federal Court in Rochester?

Want to Testify with Me in Federal Court in Rochester?

As you know, things are happening very quickly with NYSFA’s lawsuit against Kathy Hochul. The initial lawsuit was already been filed, but we are now asking the Federal judge to issue an emergency Temporary Restraining Order to block the enforcement of this law pending...
Fwd: ABOLISH the ATF Vote in September?

Fwd: ABOLISH the ATF Vote in September?

I wanted to send you a quick note from our national affiliate, the American Firearms Association. As you’ll read below, AFA is working with Congressman Matt Gaetz and others to get a floor vote on H.R. 375, their legislation to abolish the ATF forever! The fact that...
BREAKING: NYSFA to file Federal Lawsuit Against Hochul Tomorrow!

BREAKING: NYSFA to file Federal Lawsuit Against Hochul Tomorrow!

Tomorrow New York State’s new ammunition registration/tax scheme will be in full effect. This is a part of the gun control law that Kathy Hochul signed into law last year, and it mandates that you and I submit to a State of New York background check every time we buy...