NYSFA’s Aaron Dorr and Senator Borrello on Federal Lawsuit Against Hochul!

If you’ve been following the fight for the Second Amendment here in New York State, you know the name of state Senator George Borrello.

Senator Borrello is the leader of the Second Amendment movement in the state Senate, as well as the lead sponsor of the NYS Firearms Association’s Stand-Your-Ground law.

In addition to all of that, Senator Borrello is the leading plaintiff in our Federal lawsuit against Kathy Hochul’s unconstitutional ammo registration scheme!

Recently I had a chance to interview Senator Borrello about this lawsuit, our request for an emergency injunction, and the overall status of the Second Amendment movement here in New York State.

It’s an interview you’re going to want to watch.

Of course, Senator Borrello is not the only party to our lawsuit. Assemblyman David Di PiPietro, lifetime NYSFA member David Ortman, and others are all taking Kathy Hochul to Federal Court.

But we need you to stand with us.

Please make a donation to help fund our lawsuit, as well as the Temporary Restraining Order immediately!

>>> DONATE $100 NOW! <<<
>>> DONATE $75 NOW! <<<
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>>> DONATE $17.76 NOW! <<<

Kathy Hochul’s ammo registration scheme is blatantly unconstitutional. It always was. But especially in the wake of last year’s Bruen decision, this cannot stand!

We can’t win this fight in Albany; we have to fight in Federal Court.

Please stand with us now!

For New York State,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
NYS Firearms Association

PS. If you are not yet a part of the New York State Firearms Association, the leading voice for gun owners here in New York State, now is the time to join up!