The crazy commies in Albany are hell bent on disarming all of us and the bill that are pushing this session would limit how many rounds of ammo that we can buy per month! If this passes, it would be easy for the Democrats to lower to ‘allowable amount’ in the...
The crazy commies in Albany are hell bent on disarming all of us and the bill that are pushing this session would limit how many rounds of ammo that we can buy per month! If this passes, it would be easy for the Democrats to lower to ‘allowable amount’ in the...
Waiting periods are well known to get innocent people — especially women — murdered by violent predators who ignore gun control laws. If anything, criminals love it when tyrants like Hochul ram these laws into effect! The bad news is that Hochul and the Radical Left...
Kathy Hochul is the most demented tyrant that we’ve ever had as the Governor of New York State. The bill she is pushing right now in Albany would force gun owners to submit to a mental health exam as a condition of buying a gun! If you ‘admit’ to despising Hochul,...
The National Firearms Act is the most dangerous gun control law in American history. That’s because it can be expanded at any time by the President through Executive Orders that bypass Congress and declare gun control by executive fiat! That’s how Biden ‘banned’...