Video: Denied an Ammo Sale? We Need to Talk to You!

The federal courts are fickle things.

Nothing might happen for months, and suddenly we have pressing deadlines that we need to handle as soon as possible.

That’s the situation we’re in now.

The State of New York is claiming that the ammo registration database works fine, and that our claims of the system being down and denying New Yorkers the option to buy ammo is overblown.

We all know this is BS.

I told the judge that Hochul was full of it, that I was denied the option to buy ammo at multiple locations.

But that’s not enough. NYSFA lawyers need to produce affidavits from as many New Yorkers as possible, documenting YOUR attempt to buy ammo only to be told ‘the system is down.’

For all the details, please watch this video right away!

As you heard, our goal is to put STACKS of signed affidavits on the desk of Judge Geraci. If you can help us do that, here’s what you need to do:

Complete our intake form! This is the initial info that our lawyers need to make sure your situation fits our case.

Wait to hear from us! Once our team reviews your intake form, we’ll call/email you personally and give you an affidavit form to fill out if your situation helps us.

Donate to fund this case! Whether you want to sign an affidavit or not, we need your help to maintain this fight.

Thank you, in advance, for anything you can do to help us in this case. The only way to hold Hochul accountable is in Federal Court.

Stand with us now!

For New York State,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
NYS Firearms Association