Biden’s Last Stand: A National Red Flag Gun Seizure Law!

Biden’s Last Stand: A National Red Flag Gun Seizure Law!

The 2024 Presidential election is in sight. After four years of dealing with a Tyrant-in-Chief in the White House, gun owners will finally have the chance to vote Joe Biden out of office and into the gutter of political history! Biden is scared. And he should be....
⚠️ Urgent: Support for H.R. 3018 is Exploding!

⚠️ Urgent: Support for H.R. 3018 is Exploding!

Support for Biden’s ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ bill is EXPLODING! Over the last few days more than 25 members of Congress have co-sponsored H.R. 3018, giving the bill the support of almost 150 members in the House. Our sources tell us that Biden thinks he can ram ‘Red...
Help Us Take Biden to Court!

Help Us Take Biden to Court!

If the tyrannical b@st@rds who are trying to enslave our entire country would leave us alone, gun owners could stop fighting in court around the clock and just live our lives. But they won’t. So we can’t. Thanks to members like you, the New York State Firearms...
💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

In less than a month, the United Nations Small Arms working group will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the UN Small Arms Treaty! Attending this meeting is a who’s who of the world’s most brutal regimes, who are desperate to obliterate our Second Amendment. But...
Help Us Take Biden to Court!

Breakdown of the ATF “gun dealer” rule

Late last week the ATF released their “final rule” on changing the definition of what a gun dealer is, and now that I’ve had a chance to dig into some of the details, I wanted to tell you about it right away. It’s bad. The ATF’s new rule change is so bad that it gets...