Video: Hochul’s 10-Day Waiting Period Will Get People Killed!

NY State makes the news daily — for all the wrong reasons.

Our violent crime rates are unbelievable. The gun control laws here are unbelievable. And the arrogance of our governor and the communist wing of the legislature is unbelievable.

And that arrogance is what drives Hochul to have her hand-picked allies file one gun control bill after the next in Albany.

Recently, Hochul had A-4261 filed in the legislature.

Instead of overturning the gun control laws that have harmed so many New Yorkers, Hochul wants to force gun owners to wait for ten days each time they want to buy a gun! Watch this video!

The legislation will get innocent New Yorkers (especially women) killed by violent predators who will ignore this law and use it to their advantage.

And, not for nothing, but this violates the Bruen decision, too!

Please help us stop this legislation by signing your petition against A-4261, so your Senator and Assemblyman know that you expect them to VOTE NO on this in committee and on the floor.


After you’ve signed your petition, you’ll have the chance to donate to the NYS Firearms Association.

If you can afford a gift to help us get the word out to more gun owners so we can defeat this bill, please select the donation amount that is appropriate for you.


This is just the latest attack on the Second Amendment coming out of Albany. And while we would sue if this bill were to become law, it’s far better to kill it in Albany!

Take action today!

For New York State,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
NYS Firearms Association