With violent crime spiking all over the state, and Rochester having a higher violent crime rate than even Chicago, Kathy Hochul should be on bended knee apologizing for her liberal policies that have harmed so many New Yorkers! Instead, she’s pushing A-4261 in Albany,...
A Petition to: The Members of the New York State Legislature Whereas: AB-3855/SB-5763 requires gun owners to pass a state mandated mental health exam every time we try to buy a rifle or shotgun, something out of Communist China’s playbook, and Whereas: AB-3855/SB-5763...
First Kathy Hochul passed a law to register ammo sales in New York (which NYSFA sued her over) and now she wants to limit New Yorkers to 20-rounds of ammo every four months! Hochul’s allies in Albany have filed S-929/A-1355 which would put innocent New Yorkers in...
Kathy Hochul’s next goal is to force gun owners to carry one million dollars of civil liability insurance as a requirement for buying a firearm! And since this insurance coverage is illegal to sell in NYS, passage of A-3314/S-6033 would effectively disarm New Yorkers!...
A Petition to: The Members of the New York State Legislature Whereas: AB-3855/SB-5763 requires gun owners to pass a state mandated mental health exam every time we try to buy a rifle or shotgun, something out of Communist China’s playbook, and Whereas: AB-3855/SB-5763...